Letter writing campaign for helping salmon Ahoy there one and all! I have been asked to post some information here for others to be able to find the links for who and a copies of a letter to write. Sample letter:
Your name and contact information
Letter to: _______ (see attached list)
I am writing today as an interested citizen and hope that my views will be given serious consideration regarding the pending closure of the 2006 salmon fishing season along the western United States.
As you carefully consider the impact to the thousands of customers and fishermen who come to the coast to fish on the sea, eat at the restaurants and purchase fresh fish from fish mongers you must consider the potential loss of revenue not only to the fishermen but also all of the associated businesses (restaurants, hotels, gas stations, harbors, fuel suppliers, tackle suppliers). Coastal communities will suffer immediately with the loss of income and tax revenues that support their social and educational infrastructures.
I ask you to address the problems of the Klamath River as
the salmon are not overfished, but the Klamath River is being strangled.
Cutting back in the fishing of this resource does not provide a solution to the
real reasons for the low fish populations in the Klamath River. There are other
solutions that have been identified to save this important river system – a high
volume of fresh cold water to flush out the parasites and diseases and to allow
the fish their natural spawning patterns. By focusing on the real problem, the economies of our coastal communities will be able to survive if the salmon continue to be available. Thank you
Please fee free to pass this on to anyone you feel might want this. Thank you for your time.
PFMC Pacific Fishery Mangement Council 7700 NEAmbassador Place, Suite 200 Portland OR 97220-1384 Fax: 503-820-2299
NOAA/NMFS William T. Hogarth, Dirctor NoAA Fisheries 1315 East West Highway Silver Spring MD 20910 301-713-2239
Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr. NoAA Administrator 14th St. & Constitution Ave. NW Room 6217 Washington DC 20230-0001 Conrad.C.Lautenbacher@noaa.gov 202-482-3436
Secretary, US Department of Commerce Carlos Guiterreez, Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez
Arnold Schwartzenegger (R) Fax: 916-445-4633
Lynn Woolsey (D-6) Fax: 202-225-5163 Nancy Pelosi (D-6) Fax: 202-225-5163
Anna Eschoo (D-14) Fax: 202-225-8890
George Miller (D-7) Fax: 202-225-5609
Sam Farr (D-17) Fax: 202-225-6791
Mike Thompson D-1) Fax: 202-225-4335 Mike Honda (D-15) Fax: 202-225-2699
Lois Capps Phone: (202) 225-3601
Richard Pombo (R-11) Fax: 202-226-0861
Barbara Boxer 1700 Montgomery Street Suite 240 San Francisco 415-403-0100 /A D) Fax: 415-956-6701
Diane Feinstein webmail@feinstein-iq.senate.gov (D) Fax: 202-228-3954 Ron Wyden Senator Oregon 202-224-5244 D) Fax: 202-228-2717
Gordon Smith Senator Oregon senator_gsmith@exchange.senate.gov (R) Fax: 202-228-3997
In advance, thank you for your support and please contact me directly if you have questions about this issue. |